- #
- Invokes a command processor located in a load library allocated to file CMDLIB.
- AD
- Puts a discrete RACF profile on a specific dataset.
- ALias
- Gives alias names to members of partitioned datasets. Because use of this command on a load library produces unpredictable results, it is advisable to use LINK in this situation.
- ALLOCate
- Allocates or creates temporary datasets, associates a file name with a data set, or designates files for output.
- ATTRib
- Defines DCB parameters to be used with a subsequent ALLOCATE command.
- Executes load modules (programs already compiled and link edited) at the terminal.
- Changes the name of a member of a partitioned dataset which is allocated SHR (allocated to more than one user or job at a time). Use of this command on a load library produces unpredictable results.
- Produces an explanation of system completion codes and FORTRAN error codes.
- Concatenates (combines) two or more datasets under a single file name. The ALLOCATE command can also perform this function.
- Invokes IBM's Document Composition Facility (DCF) text formatting program.
- DD
- Deletes the RACF profile for a dataset
- DELete
- Deletes a data set or a member of a partitioned dataset.
- Disassembles a load module.
- DUPlicat
- Prints the contents of a dataset.
- Edit
- Invokes the IBM line editor.
- EXec
- Executes a clist (command procedure).
- Frees data sets and files allocated to the user's TSO session and deletes attribute lists.
- Free All
- Frees all data sets and files allocated to the user's TSO session except those allocated by the LOGON procedure.
- GI
- Invokes ISPF (Interactive Systems Productivity Facility).
- Obtain help about TSO commands.
- Lists the statements necessary to use a catalogued procedure.
- Performs hexadecimal addition or subtraction at the terminal.
- Allows you to show the status of jobs and to browse, print, or cancel the output from jobs.
- List amount of money charged to an account or computer ID.
- Transfer a file between a microcomputer and the OS/390 mainframe system.
- LD
- Lists the RACF profile for a dataset.
- Executes the linkage editor from the terminal.
- List
- Lists the contents of a sequential dataset or of a member of a partitioned dataset.
- Lists the names of datasets and files currently allocated to the user.
- Lists messages saved in the broadcast dataset.
- Lists the names of catalogued datasets.
- Lists DCB attributes of a dataset or of the members of a partitioned dataset.
- Lists the contents of a dataset in hexadecimal.
- Lists the names of members of a load library, along with the size and attributes of each load module.
- LOADgo
- Executes the loader, which loads an object deck (compiled program), resolves external references, and executes the program, from the terminal.
- Ends a TSO session.
- Initiates a TSO session.
- Access and manipulate the directory and members of a PDS (partitioned dataset).
- PE
- Provides another user RACF access to specified datasets.
- PROFile
- Defines certain user characteristics which control the flow of information to and from the user's terminal.
- REName
- Changes the name of a sequential dataset, of a partitioned dataset, or of a member of a partitioned dataset, or creates an alias for a member of a partitioned dataset. This will not work for load modules (DO NOT rename a permanent dataset).
- Run
- Compiles, loads, and executes the source statements in a data set.
- Invokes interactive SAS.
- Searches a load module for a specified hexadecimal string.
- SCRatch
- Deletes a member of a partitioned dataset.
- SEnd
- Sends messages to other TSO users.
- SHow
- Shows the status of a particular job, the status of all jobs belonging to the user, the number of jobs awaiting execution, or the different output files for a particular job.
- Displays amount of space allocated to a dataset and how much of that space is used.
- Lists the names of disk packs available to house temporary datasets and how much space is available on them.
- Invokes the SPEAKEASY processor.
- SUBmit
- Submits a job from the terminal (NOTE: SUB is the alias for this command).
- TERMinal
- Defines terminal characteristics (such as number of lines per screen).
- Debugs assembler language programs at the terminal.
- Displays cumulative CPU time, cumulative session time, service units used, local time of day, and today's date.
- Prints a message at the user's terminal.
- US
- Lists all TSO users currently logged on and displays the number of such users.
- WhatLine
- Lists all TSO users currently logged on together with their line numbers and terminal names.
- Tests the system return code from a previously executed command.
- Determines to what user or to what job a particular dataset is allocated.
- ?
- Displays additional information if a user has just received a message terminating with a plus sign (+).
viernes, 24 de abril de 2009
Comandos TSO
Les dejo a continuacion una lista util de comando TSO con su explciacion en ingles.
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